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New posts in strsplit

R: How to shorten data frame values to first character

Extract string elements that possibly appear multiple times, or not at all

Count characters of a section of a string

r strsplit

R Split string and keep substrings righthand of match?

r strsplit

Speed up `strsplit` when possible output are known

R: how to display the first n characters from a string of words

r string substr strsplit

R: splitting a string between two characters using strsplit()

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Use strsplit to get last character in r

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Regex; eliminate all punctuation except

r regex strsplit

R: split text with multiple regex patterns and exceptions

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Extracting nth element from a nested list following strsplit - R

r sapply strsplit

Why does strsplit return a list

regex r parsing strsplit

Split a string by a plus sign (+) character

r strsplit

How to split a string on first number only

r regex strsplit

split string with regex

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removing particular character in a column in r

r strsplit

How to get empty last elements from strsplit() in R?

r string csv strsplit

R - Using str_split and unlist to create two columns

r strsplit

R: strsplit on backslash (\)

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strsplit with vertical bar (pipe)

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