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strsplit with vertical bar (pipe)


> r<-c("AAandBB", "BBandCC")
> strsplit(as.character(r),'and')
[1] "AA" "BB"

[1] "BB" "CC"

Working well, but

> r<-c("AA|andBB", "BB|andCC")
> strsplit(as.character(r),'|and')
[1] "A" "A" "|" ""  "B" "B"

[1] "B" "B" "|" ""  "C" "C"

Here, the answer is not correct. How to get "AA" and "BB", when I use '|and'?
Thanks in advance.

like image 660
ramesh Avatar asked Apr 21 '14 07:04


1 Answers

As you can read on ?strsplit, the argument split in function strsplit is a regular expression. Hence either you need to escape the vertical bar (it is a special character)


or you can choose fixed=TRUE to indicate that split is not a regular expression

like image 171
RockScience Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
