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Why does strsplit return a list


text <- "who let the dogs out"
fooo <- strsplit(text, " ")
[1] "who"  "let"  "the"  "dogs" "out" 

the output of strsplit is a list. The list's first element then is a vector, that contains the words above.

Why does the function behave that way? Is there any case in which it would return a list with more than one element?

And I can access the words using

[1] "who"

, but is there no simpler way?

like image 986
FooBar Avatar asked Nov 28 '14 21:11


People also ask

What does Strsplit return?

The strsplit() method returns the list, where each list item resembles the item of input that has been split. The strsplit() method splits a character string or vector of character strings using a regular expression or a literal string and returns the substring list.

How strsplit works in R?

The strsplit() in R programming language function is used to split the elements of the specified character vector into substrings according to the given substring taken as its parameter.

1 Answers

To your first question, one reason that comes to mind is so that it can keep different length result vectors in the same object, since it is vectorized over x:

text <- "who let the dogs out"
vtext <- c(text, "who let the")
> strsplit(text, " ")
[1] "who"  "let"  "the"  "dogs" "out" 

> strsplit(vtext, " ")
[1] "who"  "let"  "the"  "dogs" "out" 

[1] "who" "let" "the"

If this were to be returned as a data.frame, matrix, etc... instead of a list, it would have to be padded with additional elements.

like image 155
nrussell Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
