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New posts in string-matching

How to capture a string between parentheses?

First-Occurrence Parallel String Matching Algorithm

PostgreSQL and word games

r dplyr ends_with multiple string matches

C#: How to Delete the matching substring between 2 strings?

c# string string-matching

Finding matching portions of two strings in PHP

php uri string-matching

Possible bug in VB.NET 'Like' operator?

Wildcard string matching in Ruby

Python Fuzzy Matching (FuzzyWuzzy) - Keep only Best Match

Matching words from vectors of strings in R

String Matching Using Recurrent Neural Networks

String Matching: Computing the longest prefix suffix array in kmp algorithm

Best library for fuzzy document match / text fingerprinting

How to subset data with advance string matching

r string-matching subset

JavaScript regular expression - two [a-z] followed by three [0-9] only

Log4Net StringMatchFilter is not filtering anything

Match vectors in sequence

r vector string-matching

Check for a key pattern in a dictionary in python

Excel - Match substring from list of choices - INDEX, MATCH, and FIND used together

What is the best algorithm for matching two string containing less than 10 words in latin script