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New posts in string-matching

Joining two datasets using fuzzy logic

Damerau–Levenshtein distance (Edit Distance with Transposition) c implementation

Check if a string ends with a suffix in Emacs Lisp

Returning the lowest index for the first non whitespace character in a string in Python

Which algorithm is being used in Android's spell checker?

algorithm string-matching

Search with various combinations of space, hyphen, casing and punctuations

Find matches of a vector of strings in another vector of strings

r string-matching

String matching objective-c

Fastest way to test two strings for exact match in JavaScript

R: Replacing foreign characters in a string

r string-matching

Delete to end of line after a match, keep lines not matched

sed line string-matching

Search a particular string in a vector(Octave)

octave string-matching

Check if a string is a possible abbrevation for a name

Find numbers after specific text in a string with RegEx

python - regex search and findall

tsql last "occurrence of" inside a string

Using Rabin-Karp to search for multiple patterns in a string

One of strings in array to match an expression

strstr faster than algorithms?

Fast partial string matching in R