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Configuring Solr to use UUID as a key

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How to return distance and score in spatial search using spring-data-solr

Solr performance with commitWithin does not make sense

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Spring solr dynamic fields anotation

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Solrj: how to specify path

Distributed search using solrj?

solr solrj

SOLRJ-6.0.0: Insertion of a bean object which associate list of bean object is giving null pointer exception

Exception writing document id to the index; possible analysis error

java solr solrj

How to use SpellingResult class in SolrJ

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Retrieve Object from Solr

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Creating collections in SOLR

java solr solrj

How to forcefully abort data import in SOLR DIH HTTP API

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Spring data solr - Bean with Highlight

solr solrj spring-data-solr

Solrcloud Zookeper Setup : No registered leader was found after waiting for 4000ms , collection: c1 slice: shard2

Does Solr have xml alternative to the @Field annotation?

java solr solrj

How to make Multiple word search in SOLRJQuery

mongodb solr solrj

Why do I get "KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /clusterstate.json" when I use SolrJ and SolrCloud?

How to write a solr query for retrieving all records with numeric field value less then specified?

java syntax solr lucene solrj