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Difference between "Num Docs" and "Max Doc" in Solr

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Solr: Determine if a document exists

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"No such core" exception using EmbeddedSolrServer

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how to extract stats component with solrj 4.9.0

Solr running on Https - SolrJ Connection issue

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SolrJ and Auto Commit

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Solr - highlight query phrase

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How to get Lucene explanation for a SolrDocument with Solrj?

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Using POST HTTP method to read data from Solr using SolrJ

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Solr/SolrJ: how to iterate results without creating a giant ArrayList

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How to access the admin interface of an EmbeddedSolrServer instance?

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Multiple queries in Solr

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Solr Change CommonsHttpSolrServer To HttpSolrServer

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SolrJ HttpSolrServer throwing NoHttpResponseException during instantiation

Solr/Solrj pagination

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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: DEF_CONTENT_CHARSET

java solrj

What's the difference: ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer vs HttpSolrServer vs CommonsHttpSolrServer?

Solr and MySQL, How to keep an updated index, and, is a DB even needed if it's simple?

Proper use of SolrResponse.getStatus()

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