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Difference between getElapsedTime() and getQTime() in solr for java

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Can solr return function values (not solr score or document fields)?

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Solrj with Solr Suggester

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Indexing documents using Solr results in Expected mime type application/octet-stream but got text/html

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Files locked after indexing

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Querying Solr via Solrj: Basics

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solrj: how to store and retrieve List<POJO> via multivalued field in index

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Bad Request Error When attempting to add documents to server through Solrj

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Faceting using SolrJ and Solr4

Handling Solr read and write timeout exception

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Add multiValued field to a SolrInputDocument

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Solr rule based boost

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Solr doesn't overwrite - duplicated uniqueKey entries

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SOLR slave is doing full Copy as it was not able to Delete unused Index dir

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Solr: Scoring exact matches higher than partial matches

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to get the count of multi valued field in solr

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Creating Solr client using Solrj Api with Kerberized Solr

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Limiting terms in Solr's TermsComponent to terms originating from certain documents

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Is there a way to dynamically update a synonym file without restarting Solr server?

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How can I transform SolrQuery(SOLRJ) to URL?

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