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AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'close' when Tika parser is run

Tika - retrieve main content from docs

java apache-tika

textual content without metadata from Tika via SolrCell

solr apache-tika solr-cell

How do I index rich-format documents contained as database BLOBs with Solr 4.0+?

Apache Tika - detect JSON / PDF specific mime type

java mime-types apache-tika

Python - Apache Tika Single Page parser

Solr ExtractingRequestHandler extracting "rect" in links

solr apache-tika solr-cell

Spark 2.x + Tika: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.ArchiveStreamFactory.detect

Is Apache Tika able to extract foreign languages like Chinese, Japanese?

apache apache-tika

Alternative to Tika/PDFBox for parsing PDF in Solr (any version later than 1.4)

Indexing PDF files with Symfony using Lucene

Indexing PDF with page numbers with Solr

Apache Tika and File access instead of Java Input Stream

how to parse html with nutch and index specific tag to solr?

solr nutch apache-tika

How to get file extension from content type?