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How to capture a string between parentheses?

str = "fa, (captured)[asd] asf, 31"

for word in str:gmatch("\(%a+\)") do

Hi! I want to capture a word between parentheses.

My Code should print "captured" string.

lua: /home/casey/Desktop/test.lua:3: invalid escape sequence near '\('

And i got this syntax error.

Of course, I can just find position of parentheses and use string.sub function

But I prefer simple code.

Also, brackets gave me a similar error.

like image 518
Jin Su Lee Avatar asked Oct 09 '14 11:10

Jin Su Lee

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Since parentheses are also used for capturing and non-capturing groups, we have to escape the opening parenthesis with a backslash.

1 Answers

The escape character in Lua patterns is %, not \. So use this:


If you only need one match, there is no need for a gmatch loop.

To capture the string in square brackets, use a similar pattern:


If the captured string is not entirely composed of letters, use .- instead of %a+.

like image 74
lhf Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10
