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Wildcard string matching in Ruby

I'd like to write a utility function/module that'll provide simple wildcard/glob matching to strings. The reason I'm not using regular expressions is that the user will be the one who'll end up providing the patterns to match using some sort of configuration file. I could not find any such gem that's stable - tried joker but it had problems setting up.

The functionality I'm looking for is simple. For example, given the following patterns, here are the matches:

pattern | test-string         | match
*hn     | john, johnny, hanna | true , false, false     # wildcard  , similar to /hn$/i
*hn*    | john, johnny, hanna | true , true , false     # like /hn/i
hn      | john, johnny, hanna | false, false, false     # /^hn$/i
*h*n*   | john, johnny, hanna | true , true , true

I'd like this to be as efficient as possible. I thought about creating regexes from the pattern strings, but that seemed rather inefficient to do at runtime. Any suggestions on this implementation? thanks.

EDIT: I'm using ruby 1.8.7

like image 615
sa125 Avatar asked Jun 23 '11 04:06


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1 Answers

I don't see why you think it would be inefficient. Predictions about these sorts of things are notoriously unreliable, you should decide that it is too slow before you go bending over backwards to find a faster way. And then you should profile it to make sure that this is where the problem lies (btw there is an average of 3-4x speed boost from switching to 1.9)

Anyway, it should be pretty easy to do this, something like:

class Globber 
  def self.parse_to_regex(str)
    escaped = Regexp.escape(str).gsub('\*','.*?')
    Regexp.new "^#{escaped}$", Regexp::IGNORECASE

  def initialize(str)
    @regex = self.class.parse_to_regex str

  def =~(str)
    !!(str =~ @regex)

glob_strs = {
  '*hn'    => [['john', true, ], ['johnny', false,], ['hanna', false]],
  '*hn*'   => [['john', true, ], ['johnny', true, ], ['hanna', false]],
  'hn'     => [['john', false,], ['johnny', false,], ['hanna', false]],
  '*h*n*'  => [['john', true, ], ['johnny', true, ], ['hanna', true ]],

puts glob_strs.all? { |to_glob, examples|
  examples.all? do |to_match, expectation|
    result = Globber.new(to_glob) =~ to_match
    result == expectation
# >> true
like image 152
Joshua Cheek Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10

Joshua Cheek