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How to find text within brackets with some exceptions by regular expressions?




I have a regex /^\[(text:\s*.+?\s*)\]/mi that currently works in capturing text in brackets that begin with text:. Here is an example where it works:

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets.]

Now, I would like to add an exception so that it allows certain brackets like in the case below:

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets
and also include ![](/some/path)]

Basically, I need it to allow the ![](/some/path) brackets in the match.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Here are some cases where the text inside the brackets should be matched:

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets
and also include ![](/some/path)]

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets
and also include ![](/some/path) and some more text]

[text: ![](/some/path)]

![text: cat]

Here are some cases where it should not match:

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets
and also include ![invalid syntax](/some/path)]

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets
and also include ![] (/some/path)]

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets
and also include ! [](/some/path)]

[text: here is my text that is
captured within the brackets
and also include ! [] (/some/path)]
like image 678
Allen Liu Avatar asked Nov 18 '15 06:11

Allen Liu

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Well, you can just add them to the regex with something like [0-9. \)\(-]+ but, since you're complicating the expression, you'll probably need to check for balance as well. In other words, that regex is quite happy to accept 74.7((((((((((((2) which is not really well-formed.

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Python Regex Escape Parentheses () You can get rid of the special meaning of parentheses by using the backslash prefix: \( and \) . This way, you can match the parentheses characters in a given string.

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The special characters are: a. ., *, [, and \ (period, asterisk, left square bracket, and backslash, respectively), which are always special, except when they appear within square brackets ([]; see 1.4 below). c. $ (dollar sign), which is special at the end of an entire RE (see 4.2 below).

Video Answer

1 Answers

OK, so you want to allow either

  • a character that's not a bracket or
  • the sequence ![]

between the starting and ending bracket. This gives you the regex



^           # Start of line
\[          # Match [
(           # Start of capturing group
 text:      # Match text:
 [^\[\]]*   # Match any number of characters except [ or ]
 (?:        # Optional non-capturing group:
  !\[\]     #  Match ![]
  [^\[\]]*  #  Match any number of characters except [ or ]
 )*         # Repeat as needed (0 times is OK)
)           # End of capturing group
\]          # Match ]

Test it live on regex101.com.

like image 176
Tim Pietzcker Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Tim Pietzcker