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New posts in std-function

g++: std::function initialized with closure type always uses heap allocation?

c++ lambda c++11 std-function

Function template argument deduction (class vs funtion template)

std::function copying parameters?

c++ c++11 std-function

Using std::function and std::bind to store callback and handle object deletion.

c++ c++11 std-function stdbind

std::bind to a std::variant containing multiple std::function types

Clang++ generates executable that leaks memory, about std::function and lambda

Why can std::function be constructed with a lambda with a different return type?

c++ lambda std-function

std::function const correctness

Why does C++23 std::move_only_function not have deduction guides?

c++ c++17 std-function c++23

how to avoid static member function when using gsl with c++

Call to lambda is ambiguous despite explicitly stating the return type

std::function instead of templates for predicates

Does std::function allow an implicit cast from reference to copy in its return type?

How do I `std::bind` a non-static class member to a Win32 callback function `WNDPROC`?

binding member functions in a variadic fashion

How to pass std::function with different parameters to same function

How to create a variadic template function with `std::function` as a function parameter?

What is the most efficient way to pass a non generic function?

Is there a use case for std::function that is not covered by function pointers, or is it just syntactic sugar? [duplicate]

Why can't we trivially copy std::function

c++ c++11 std-function