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New posts in std-function

Why is there a difference between std::function constructor or assignment?

Convert lambda with capture clause stored in std::function to raw function pointer

C++14: Generic lambda with generic std::function as class member

assigning lambda to std::function

How to use SWIG to wrap std::function objects?

java c++ c++11 swig std-function

Can std::function be serialized?

std::function template argument resolution

Pass Member Function as Parameter to other Member Function (C++ 11 <function>)

How expensive is to copy an std::function?

c++ c++11 std-function

What is the difference between std::function and std::mem_fn

Can std::function be used to store a function with variadic arguments [duplicate]

Why is the copy ctor invoked twice when using std::bind?

c++ std-function stdbind

What's the point of std::function constructor with custom allocator but no other args?

c++ c++11 std-function

Will C++17 template arguments with auto feature allow constrained std::function objects?

C++ Dynamically load arbitrary function from DLL into std::function

compiler cannot deduce overload of std::max

Understanding std::function and std::bind

c++ c++11 std-function stdbind

c++11: How to write a wrapper function to make `std::function` objects

c++ c++11 c++14 std-function

Expand a type N times in template parameter

Template type deduction with std::function