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New posts in std-variant

Predefined type list passed to a std::variant

Assignment operator of std::variant of custom type with deleted special member functions?

StateMachine with std::variant, getting the custom template deduction right

c++17 std-variant

Is there any practical reason why std::get_if (std::variant) takes a variant argument by pointer instead of by value/&/const&?

get currently held typeid of std::variant (like boost::variant type())

c++ boost typeid std-variant

How can classes with `std::variant` members be copied safely?

c++ c++17 std-variant

Why does clang handle exceptions for this trivial std::variant code?

c++ gcc clang c++17 std-variant

Can I make lambdas deduce the variant return type?

c++ lambda c++20 std-variant

Compare std::variant with int using C++20 <=> is not a constant expression

c++ c++17 c++20 std-variant

Is there boost::visit like std::visit, for boost::variant?

What is the best way to disable implicit conversion from pointer types to bool when constructing an std::variant?

Why do std::variant implementations take more than 1 byte for variant of empty types?

c++ c++20 std-variant

What should I use instead of void as one of the alternative types in an variant?

In C++, how to make a variant that can contain a vector of of same variant?

std::bind to a std::variant containing multiple std::function types

Why isn't std::variant allowed to equal compare with one of its alternative types?

c++ c++17 std-variant

std::variant behaves differently in MSVC and gcc

c++ std-variant

How is std::optional never "valueless by exception"?

Split a given std::variant type by a given criteria

c++ c++17 std-variant

`std::variant` vs. inheritance vs. other ways (performance)