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Call to lambda is ambiguous despite explicitly stating the return type

An overloaded function should take both functors in, given the type of the lambda is decidable ( castable to an std::function (please correct me if I'm wrong ). The question is: Why is there a compile error below, despite the lambda type being explicitly defined? ( [&]() -> Type {} )

Please note, that for my current solution I need the capture-by-reference, that is why the code contains the logic for it.

The following example describes the problem:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>    
#include <functional>

void do_some(std::function<void(int)> thing) 

void do_some(std::function<bool(int)> thing)
   if (thing(10)) 
      std::cout << "it's true!" << std::endl;

int main()
   int local_to_be_modified = 0;
      [&](int in)
         local_to_be_modified = in;
         std::cout << "This is void-" << std::endl;
      [&](int in) -> bool
         // error: call to 'do_some' is ambiguous
         local_to_be_modified += in;
         std::cout << "This is bool-" << std::endl;
         return true;
like image 688
Dávid Tóth Avatar asked Oct 30 '19 14:10

Dávid Tóth

2 Answers

Because the 2nd lambda expression returning bool could convert to both std::function<void(int)> and std::function<bool(int)> implicitly.

std::function has a converting constructor:

template< class F >
function( F f );

This constructor does not participate in overload resolution unless f is Callable for argument types Args... and return type R. (since C++14)

As the definition of Callable,

The following expressions must be valid:

INVOKE<R>(f, std::declval<ArgTypes>()...)

where INVOKE(f, t1, t2, ..., tN) is defined as static_cast<void>(INVOKE(f, t1, t2, ..., tN)) if R is possibly cv-qualified void, otherwise INVOKE(f, t1, t2, ..., tN), implicitly converted to R

Note that the 2nd lambda returning bool, for the std::function<void(int)>, as shown above, static_cast<void>(INVOKE(f, t1, t2, ..., tN)) is a valid expression (the returned bool is just converted to void). Then it could also convert to std::function<void(int)> implicitly and causes the ambiguity issue.

like image 121
songyuanyao Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 12:10


You can explicitly static_cast the lambda to the proper type

using FunBoolRet = std::function<bool(int)>;

do_some(static_cast<FunBoolRet >([&](int in) 
      local_to_be_modified += in;
      std::cout << "This is bool-" << std::endl;
      return true;

Or store the lambda to the proper std::function<bool(int)> type and pass to the function(if do_some(lmda) should be called many times)

FunBoolRet lmda = [&](int in)
    local_to_be_modified += in;
    std::cout << "This is bool-" << std::endl;
    return true;
do_some(lmda); // pass the lambda

Or as @MaxLanghof suggested simply construct std::function<bool(int)> from lambda on the go

   [&](int in) 
      local_to_be_modified += in;
      std::cout << "This is bool-" << std::endl;
      return true;
like image 20
JeJo Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 14:10
