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New posts in wndproc

How can I determine the amount of movement a mouse is allowed between two click for the WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message to be fired?

windows winapi wndproc

How do I send/receive windows messages between VB6 and c#?

c# vb6 wndproc

Disable maximizing WPF window on double click on the caption

Exception thrown when WndProc is overloaded

sending lparam as a pointer to class, and use it in WndProc()

c++ winapi wndproc

Handling WM_NCACTIVATE in startup window blocks all other windows

c# wpf winapi wndproc

What should I do to have WS_MAXIMIZE working?

c++ oop winapi wndproc

Why should i use WndProc when i have form events?

.net winforms wndproc

WPF: How do I make a custom modal dialog flash?

WndProc message = 49619 -what is it?

c# wndproc window-messages

C#: How to drag a from by the form and its controls?

c# forms drag wndproc

WM_QUERYENDSESSION is causing me problems

c# wndproc

Resize Event for Console

Specifying a Window Procedure for child Windows

WndProc: How to get window messages when form is minimized

c# wndproc

C# Form Move Stopped Event

c# winforms events move wndproc

Native Window: Release Handle On Close

hook into wndproc of another application?

python winapi wndproc