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New posts in std-function

Performance of std::function compared to raw function pointer and void* this?

Deduce template argument from std::function call signature

Default function that just returns the passed value?

Move constructor called twice when move-constructing a std::function from a lambda that has by-value captures

Odd return behavior with std::function created from lambda (C++)

std::function as template parameter

Converting std::function<void(Derived*)> to std::function<void(Base*)>

c++ c++11 std-function

Is it possible to allow one std::function type accept lambdas with different signatures

c++ c++11 std-function

Why do std::function instances have a default constructor?

c++ std-function

Why doesn't GCC's std::function use rvalue references to arguments passed by value to pass them between its internal delegates?

Is it safe to change a function pointer (std::function) inside a called function?

c++ c++11 std-function

C++11 std::function and perfect forwarding

Syntax of C++ templates with function type parameters

std::bind makes no sense to me whatsoever

c++ std-function

How should I define a std::function variable with default arguments?

c++ c++11 lambda std-function

Call operator with auto return type being chosen instead of constructor when using std::function

Converting boost::function to std::function

c++ boost stl c++11 std-function

C++ std::function-like template syntax

how to declare properly the template taking function type as a parameter (like a std::function)

c++ templates std-function

Why doesn't std::function participate in overload resolution?