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Why do std::function instances have a default constructor?

This is probably a philosophical question, but I ran into the following problem:

If you define an std::function, and you don't initialize it correctly, your application will crash, like this:

typedef std::function<void(void)> MyFunctionType;
MyFunctionType myFunction;

If the function is passed as an argument, like this:

void DoSomething (MyFunctionType myFunction)

Then, of course, it also crashes. This means that I am forced to add checking code like this:

void DoSomething (MyFunctionType myFunction)
   if (!myFunction) return;

Requiring these checks gives me a flash-back to the old C days, where you also had to check all pointer arguments explicitly:

void DoSomething (Car *car, Person *person)
   if (!car) return;      // In real applications, this would be an assert of course
   if (!person) return;   // In real applications, this would be an assert of course

Luckily, we can use references in C++, which prevents me from writing these checks (assuming that the caller didn't pass the contents of a nullptr to the function:

void DoSomething (Car &car, Person &person)
   // I can assume that car and person are valid

So, why do std::function instances have a default constructor? Without default constructor you wouldn't have to add checks, just like for other, normal arguments of a function. And in those 'rare' cases where you want to pass an 'optional' std::function, you can still pass a pointer to it (or use boost::optional).

like image 499
Patrick Avatar asked Sep 23 '11 09:09


People also ask

Why do we need a default constructor in C++?

They are used to initialize member objects. If default values are supplied, the trailing arguments can be omitted in the expression list of the constructor. Note that if a constructor has any arguments that do not have default values, it is not a default constructor.

What is the use of default constructor?

The default constructor in Java initializes the data members of the class to their default values such as 0 for int, 0.0 for double etc. This constructor is implemented by default by the Java compiler if there is no explicit constructor implemented by the user for the class.

Does every class have a default constructor C++?

For example, all members of class type, and their class-type members, must have a default constructor and destructors that are accessible. All data members of reference type and all const members must have a default member initializer.

Is the default constructor always called in C++?

Implicitly-declared default constructor If no user-declared constructors of any kind are provided for a class type (struct, class, or union), the compiler will always declare a default constructor as an inline public member of its class.

2 Answers

True, but this is also true for other types. E.g. if I want my class to have an optional Person, then I make my data member a Person-pointer. Why not do the same for std::functions? What is so special about std::function that it can have an 'invalid' state?

It does not have an "invalid" state. It is no more invalid than this:

std::vector<int> aVector;
aVector[0] = 5;

What you have is an empty function, just like aVector is an empty vector. The object is in a very well-defined state: the state of not having data.

Now, let's consider your "pointer to function" suggestion:

void CallbackRegistrar(..., std::function<void()> *pFunc);

How do you have to call that? Well, here's one thing you cannot do:

void CallbackFunc();
CallbackRegistrar(..., CallbackFunc);

That's not allowed because CallbackFunc is a function, while the parameter type is a std::function<void()>*. Those two are not convertible, so the compiler will complain. So in order to do the call, you have to do this:

void CallbackFunc();
CallbackRegistrar(..., new std::function<void()>(CallbackFunc));

You have just introduced new into the picture. You have allocated a resource; who is going to be responsible for it? CallbackRegistrar? Obviously, you might want to use some kind of smart pointer, so you clutter the interface even more with:

void CallbackRegistrar(..., std::shared_ptr<std::function<void()>> pFunc);

That's a lot of API annoyance and cruft, just to pass a function around. The simplest way to avoid this is to allow std::function to be empty. Just like we allow std::vector to be empty. Just like we allow std::string to be empty. Just like we allow std::shared_ptr to be empty. And so on.

To put it simply: std::function contains a function. It is a holder for a callable type. Therefore, there is the possibility that it contains no callable type.

like image 197
Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Nicol Bolas

Actually, your application should not crash.

§ Class bad_function_call [func.wrap.badcall]

1/ An exception of type bad_function_call is thrown by function::operator() ( when the function wrapper object has no target.

The behavior is perfectly specified.

like image 42
Matthieu M. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Matthieu M.