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New posts in shader

Shaders' Performance (Vertex VS Fragment)

performance opengl shader

OpenGL ES shader to convert color image to black-and-white infrared?

Unexplainable behavior when using uniform sampler2d[]

opengl glsl shader opengl-4

Texture lookup into rendered FBO is off by half a pixel

opengl glsl textures shader

OpenGL ES 2.0 point sprites with distinct rotations - calculate matrix in shader?

Log values of variables inside the vertex shader

Three.js - shader code for halo effect, normals need transformation

Cocos2d blur with shaders

Shadow mapping shader

How should you efficiently batch complex meshes?

opengl glsl shader

CMake : softlink resource ( such as GLSL shaders ) or copy each complilation

c++ cmake resources shader

Issue getting gradient square in glsl es 2.0, Gamemaker Studio 2.0

Wireframe shader: How to display quads and not triangles?

How to implement flat shading in OpenGL without duplicate vertices?

accessing a vertex buffer (buffer array) in a fragment shader

opengl buffer shader

Tiling texture in shader

glsl textures shader

OpenGL: How to make light to be independent of rotation?

glGetAttribLocation returns -1 when retrieving existing shader attribute

What is the relationship between gl_Color and gl_FrontColor in both vertex and fragment shaders

What does the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER target mean in glBindBuffer?