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New posts in rspec-rails

Capybara expect page.selector to_have

Way to use postgresql and avoid testunit by default in rails 3.2?

Error `comparison of Symbol with Module failed` after upgrading to Rspec 3

Rails rspec and omniauth (integration testing)

RSpec-rails-capybara - different failures with :js => true and without

Get wrong number of arguments (2 for 0) when running Rspec Test using get and delete

How to validate locals of render template in rspec

How to specifiy the query string in an RSpec test of a Rails controller action?

How can I use RSpec to test the response code on a CanCan failed authorization?

RuntimeError: Circular dependency detected while autoloading constant

Using RSpec to test a layout

rspec-rails 2.14.2 with Rails 4.2 InvalidURIError

Rspec rails printing lot of warnings

Passing cookies in request spec

rspec rspec2 rspec-rails

testing with specs, capybara from railstutorial chapter 3 does not work (have_selector('title', :text => ' | Home'))

How do I write an Rspec controller test that makes sure an e-mail is sent?

Why is this rspec request spec not updating the model?

How to set screen size for chrome headless system test in rails 5.1?

How to call a rake task in rspec

testing routes with subdomain constraints using rspec