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Rails 4 Upgrade - ActionController::UrlGenerationError - No route matches

How to test after_initialize callback of a rails model?

rSpec destroy files after suite finishes

All routing examples fail for a Rails 3.2 Engine with RSpec 2.10

rspec-rails does not run tests under spec/lib

rspec rspec-rails

how to stub the :errors collection to act invalid when rspec tests a controller that uses respond_with

Rails Phantomjs, poltergeist, and Capybara not playing well together

`post_via_redirect` is deprecated and will be removed in Rails 5.1

RSpec: Undefined method `assert_difference' for ... (NoMethodError)

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Docker, Docker compose - how to run RSpec tests

How do you test your Config/Initializer Scripts with Rspec in Rails?

Test Speed: ActiveRecord use_transactional_fixtures vs. DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :transaction

Alternate of any_number_of_times method in stubs

How can I test methods in the ApplicationRecord abstract base class?

Rspec rendering text

NameError: undefined local variable or method `app'

Capybara save_and_open_page doesn't reflect radio buttons tate

Rails 3 Tutorial Chapter 11 "Validation failed: Email has already been taken" error

Mocking file uploads in Rails 3.1 controller tests

how to test rspec shoulda for custom validation in rails?