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New posts in reverse-engineering

Reverse Engineering Web Applications [closed]

How do I go about reverse engineering a UDP-based custom game protocol with nothing other than Wireshark?

Difference of the value, prototype and property

68k assembly - plus symbol on address registers

How can I get SEL (@selector()) from object file (Mach-o)? how SEL stored in Mach-o?

Yii Framework 2.0 Migration with existing database

How to decompile this x87 assembly calculation?

Goto statements in decompiled code causing issues

Is there a way to keep a word sized immediate in a 32bit register instruction

Detect if Cycript/Substrate or gdb is attached to an iOS app's process?

Portable executable file analysing using c#

Reverse engineering a firmware - what's up with every fourth byte?

Internal structure of executables compiled with Delphi

How do I get started reverse engineering z80 machine code? [closed]

Understanding disassembly of Dalvik code?

Reverse engineering C-source code from assembly

How would you reverse engineer this?