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New posts in reverse-engineering

What is ___lldb_unnamed_symbol?

How can you reverse engineer a binary thrift file?

Find out CRC or CHECKSUM of RS232 data

Feasability of reverse engineering some embedded code

are there any ways to reverse engineer Oracle trigger or sort of decompile it?

SP (Stack Pointer) Anti-debug Trick - x86

How can I see the 0s and 1s / machine code from a executable file / object file?

recommended guides/books to read assembly [closed]

What does this assembly code do? (TEST,XOR,JNZ)

Dump Flash Memory through a single GPIO pin

Is NDK an alternative to reduce reverse engineering?

GCC generates useless instructions?

Obfuscator's "Prevent Microsoft IL Disassembler from opening my assembly" option

Obfuscation of variable and function names in C++ to prevent basic reverse engineering

Grails Reverse Engineer Database

Changing floating point value in exe

IDA Pro disassembly shows ? instead of hex or plain ascii in .data?

Finding and using memory offsets in an existing program?

OllyDbg catching/throwing exceptions

How does one change an instruction with a hex editor?