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New posts in reverse-engineering

Methods to nail down 16 bit CRC/Checksum algorithm used by Windows CE executable?

Output 64 bit integer with hexdump

Are there any tools that make keeping the UML models in-sync with the code completely seamless?

Extending functionality of existing program I don't have source for

Bypassing Windows ASLR by determining the library address using shared pages

Interpreting this line in Assembly language?

Monitoring API calls [duplicate]

Is it possible in IDA Pro to make a struct field offset to vtable which is defined in .data segment?

Add custom menu items to the Finder context menu

Packed and encrypted section in x86 reversing challenge, without tripping entropy heuristics

Reverse engineering C++

Indirect jumps for DLL function calls

Annotated disassembly of executable

Auto generate JHipster entities from existing database

Why is this an invalid smali register?

Help Me Understand This Binary File Format

Why is signature verification on remote server more secure than on device?

MIPS to C Translation

CRC32 calculation with CRC hash at the beginning of the message in C

c reverse-engineering crc32

How does Discord hook into a specific process's audio?