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What does "L", "[" and ";" mean in smali code? [duplicate]

java android smali

Modifying existing methods in Smali

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How to generate call graph from android APK?

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smali structure of methods and classes

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what does the .restart smali keyword do?

java android smali

Why is this an invalid smali register?

Waiting until last debugger command completes

apktool error while decompiling .apk

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what is meaning of .prologue in a smali file?

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How to set a boolean in smali


How does packed-switch work on Android as smali produced by apktool?

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Is there apktool on Android? I want to assemble ".smali" and make new ".apk" in an Android application

android apk smali

How does DalvikVM handle switch and try smali code

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Automatic transformation of Android's dex code

android dalvik dex smali

Reference vs. Precise Reference in Dalvik Verifier

Smali .local format

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Changing the package name

Direct .java to .smali conversion. Possible?

android smali