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recommended guides/books to read assembly [closed]

So lately I've been intrested in reading assembly which is displayed by a disassembler like ollydbg. The reason why I want to read this assembly is to learn how other developers build their applications or things like file formats of binary files the program has.

It's not like I'm a complete newbie at programming since I've been using C++ and C# for a while now. And I have a solid understanding of C++ so the whole pointer concept is clear to me.

Well I know that there are tons of assembly guides out there on the internet but I have no idea how reliable they are this tutorial: http://jakash3.wordpress.com/2010/04/24/x86-assembly-a-crash-course-tutorial-i/ was very usefull too me and this is the kind of tutorial with just a short explanation of the instruction. This one was very clear to me but it doesn't cover all of the assembly codes.

I hope someone could give a good guide/tutorial.

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Kevin Avatar asked Aug 14 '11 21:08


3 Answers

I think the standard guide to assembly is The Art of Assembly. It's online and free.

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Seth Carnegie Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Seth Carnegie

If you are interesed in x86 assembly and the opcodes for all instructions, try the Intel manuals (free download). If you want to know how to program in assembler, use the recommendation by Seth Carnegie. Another download would be the 32 bit edition.

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Rudy Velthuis Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Rudy Velthuis

I learned much of what I know about assembly language from Matt Pietrek's Just Enough Assembly Language to Get By and its sequel. This is especially made for C or C++ programmers wanting to read what the compiler emits in their debugger.

Pietrek's material is above any doubt and he writes clear and entertaining. It's tailored to the Windows platform, though.

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sbi Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
