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Internal structure of executables compiled with Delphi

We are reversing Delphi internal structures, does anyone know of any good resource or other details about how Delphi executables are compiled and linked together and what is the layout of the various parts inside the final exe.

I am not looking for high level details like it has n sections.

I am looking for something (the following is 'made up') like section '.text' has 3 parts:

  1. data (a)
  2. pointers table (b)
  3. code interleaved with data which can be identified by using mechanism (c)


Ok, I am looking for references or knowledge about the structures. I already have the tools mentioned below, and a ton more to aid in reverse engineering this from scratch.

I should have mentioned that I know the resource layout as that is well documented. It's the internal compiled structures embedded in code and data sections I am after. (e.g. how RTTI info is compiled in, where is the mapping between event handlers and form resources, etc).

like image 676
chkdsk Avatar asked Mar 11 '11 20:03


3 Answers

Start with using existing tools like IDR (Interactive Delphi Reconstructor) and IDA (the Interactive Disassembler) and the already mentioned PE Explorer.

I would also suggest compiling some simple executables and studying the disassembly of that.

like image 95
Remko Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09


The most identifiable parts of a Delphi or C++ Builder executable are the resources.

They will contain a resource section named RCDATA. This section contains the following:

  • A section named DVCLAL, which identifies the compiler's SKU, such as Personal, Professional or Enterprise.
  • A section named PACKAGEINFO, which contains a list of contained units and a flag for Delphi or C++ Builder
  • Individual resources for each DFM.

On some settings, compressors like UPX may hide these resources, so you won't be able to see them unless you decompress the executable.

like image 45
Bruce McGee Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 22:09

Bruce McGee

It could be worthwhile to have a look at Jedi JCL. IIRC their traceback tools (jcldebug unit?) open binaries to recover debug info. It would at least teach the global structure of the file.

Some bits might be delphi version specific btw.

Downloading the evaluation version of PE-Explorer might be a good start too.

like image 43
Marco van de Voort Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 22:09

Marco van de Voort