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How do I escape single quote in command line query of psql?

postgresql psql quoting

Bash: How to use operator parameter expansion ${parameter@operator}?

Tool to automatically rewrite a bash script with proper quoting?

Strange Lisp Quoting scenario - Graham's On Lisp, page 37

'kubectl patch' works on Linux Bash but not in Windows Powershell ISE

Is > ever necessary?

html xml escaping quoting sgml

perl6 signatures in POD

Powershell: passing json string to curl

csv writer in Python with custom quoting

python csv quoting

Bash doesn't parse quotes when converting a string to arguments

Remove surrounded quotes in vscode or toggle between quote and no quote

Raising error in postgreSQL

postgresql plpgsql quoting

Quoting vs not quoting the variable on the RHS of a variable assignment

bash syntax quoting

Bash problem with eval, variables and quotes

bash eval rsync quoting

How to put double quotes in VS2010 post build step

clojure require syntax rationale

syntax clojure include quoting

General string quoting for TCL

tcl quoting

How do I pass on script arguments that contain quotes/spaces?

bash quoting

Can awk deal with CSV file that contains comma inside a quoted field?

bash : cd : too many arguments [closed]

bash cd quoting