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New posts in quaternions

How to use quaternion rotation in Three.js json scene

3d three.js quaternions

Create a full 3d skeleton with Kinect SDK

Interpolate between two quaternions the long way

Why is my straightforward quaternion multiplication faster than SSE?

Calculating quaternion for transformation between 2 3D cartesian coordinate systems

Global Rotation

Converting angular velocity to quaternion in OpenCV

opencv quaternions

How to generate a random quaternion quickly?

orientation quaternions

Nearest Neighbours using Quaternions

View Matrix from Quaternion

Using quaternions for tangent space normal mapping - Problems I'm having

Quaternion (0,0,0,0) signifies what

math rotation quaternions

How to derive "standard" rotations from three.js when using quaternions?

Using quaternion instead of roll, pitch and yaw to track device motion

Direction vector from Quaternion?

vector 3d rotation quaternions

How to find vector for the quaternion from X Y Z rotations

c++ opengl matrix quaternions

SSE with doubles, not worth it?

Is Yaw, Pitch and Roll respectively the same thing as Heading, Pitch and Bank?

Convert Unity transforms to THREE.js rotations

How can I read/transform the range images of the stanford bunny .ply-files?