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New posts in quaternions

Rotating 6 sides of a block

c# math xna quaternions

Overhead of using classes for matrix of algebraic structures in C++

Quaternion cube rotation animation

Compute Altitude and Azimuth from CMAttitude using either Roll, pitch and Yaw or Quaternion or Rotation Matrix

How to install IMUsim

Quaternion division and hyperbolic tangent tanh

Quaternion Comparison?

Longitude / Latitude to quaternion

How to rotate a CannonJS RigidBody?

Integrate angular velocity as quaternion rotation

How do I rotate a Quaternion with 2nd Quaternion on its local or world axes without using transform.Rotate?

c# unity3d 3d quaternions

How to properly rotate a quaternion along all axis?

How to get the euler-angles from the rotation vector (Sensor.TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR)

How to find correct rotation from one vector to another?

"Distance" (or angular magnitude) between two quaternions?

Orient object's rotation to a spline point tangent in THREE.JS

matrix three.js quaternions

Gravity Compensation in Accelerometer Data

Euler to Quaternion / Quaternion to Euler using Eigen

Quaternion from Orthogonal Basis

game-physics quaternions

opengl matrix rotation quaternions