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New posts in quaternions

Quaternion to Rotation Matrix, incorrect values using Eigen Library

Quaternion math for rotation?

Correcting the Yaw part of one Quaternion by the Yaw part of another one

Combine Rotation Axis Vectors

Adding an euler angle to a Quaternion

Quaternion to Euler angles algorithm - How to convert to 'Y = Up' and between handedness?

c# math quaternions

Quaternions and numerical stability

Quaternion reaching gimbal lock

How does this Quaternion rotation code work?

java rotation quaternions

When I have two orientation quaternions, how do I find the rotation quaternion needed to go from one to the other?

quaternions gml

Quaternion "lookAt" function

c math opengl quaternions

C++ / openGL: Rotating a QUAD toward a point using quaternions

How to multiply two quaternions with minimal instructions?

Converting glm::lookat matrix to quaternion and back

How to interpolate rotations?

Quaternions vs Axis + angle

axis angle quaternions

Quaternion based camera

How to update quaternion based on 3d gyro data?

dot product of two quaternion rotations

Efficient way to apply mirror effect on quaternion rotation?

math 3d quaternions