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Efficient way to apply mirror effect on quaternion rotation?

Quaternions represent rotations - they don't include information about scaling or mirroring. However it is still possible to mirror the effect of a rotation.

Consider a mirroring on the x-y-plane (we can also call it a mirroring along the z-axis). A rotation around the x-axis mirrored on the x-y-plane would be negated. Likewise with a rotation around the y axis. However, a rotation around the z-axis would be left unchanged.

Another example: 90º rotation around axis (1,1,1) mirrored in the x-y plane would give -90º rotation around (1,1,-1). To aid the intuition, if you can visualize a depiction of the axis and a circular arrow indicating the rotation, then mirroring that visualization indicates what the new rotation should be.

I have found a way to calculate this mirroring of the rotation, like this:

  • Get the angle-axis representation of the quaternion.
  • For each of the axes x, y, and z.
    • If the scaling is negative (mirrored) along that axis:
      • Negate both angle and axis.
  • Get the updated quaternion from the modified angle and axis.

This only supports mirroring along the primary axes, x, y, and z, since that's all I need. It works for arbitrary rotations though.

However, the conversions from quaternion to angle-axis and back from angle-axis to quaternion are expensive. I'm wondering if there's a way to do the conversion directly on the quaternion itself, but my comprehension of quaternion math is not sufficient to get anywhere myself.

(Posted on StackOverflow rather than math-related forums due to the importance of a computationally efficient method.)

like image 927
runevision Avatar asked Sep 07 '15 12:09


People also ask

What is a normalized quaternion?

A normalized quaternion moves along a unit sphere, and its first time derivative is tangent to that sphere. If the quaternion drifts away from the unit sphere, it will begin to accumulate phase errors that normalizing outside the integrator cannot correct.

What are quaternions unity?

Description. Quaternions are used to represent rotations. They are compact, don't suffer from gimbal lock and can easily be interpolated. Unity internally uses Quaternions to represent all rotations. They are based on complex numbers and are not easy to understand intuitively.

Why is a quaternion preferred to the standard Euler rotation angle to represent 3D orientations?

As you already seem to understand, quaternions encode a single rotation around an arbitrary axis as opposed to three sequential rotations in Euler 3-space. This makes quaternions immune to gimbal lock. Also, some forms of interpolation become nice and easy to do, like SLERP.

Why are quaternions preferred over Euler angles?

Euler rotation is prone to the problem of Gimbal Lock, where two of the axes overlap and lead to the same result. Quaternion rotation uses a more complex algorithm that helps it avoid Gimbal Lock problems.

1 Answers

I just spent quite some time on figuring out a clear answer to this question, so I am posting it here for the record.


As was noted in other answers, a mirror effect cannot be represented as a rotation. However, given a rotation R1to2 from a coordinate frame C1 to a coordinate frame C2, we may be interested in efficiently computing the equivalent rotation when applying the same mirror effect to C1 and C2 (e.g. I was facing the problem of converting an input quaternion, given in a left-handed coordinate frame, into the quaternion representing the same rotation but in a right-handed coordinate frame).

In terms of rotation matrices, this can be thought of as follows:

R_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 = M_mirrorC2 * R_C1_to_C2 * M_mirrorC1

Here, both R_C1_to_C2 and R_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 represent valid rotations, so when dealing with quaternions, how do you efficiently compute q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 from q_C1_to_C2?


The following assumes that q_C1_to_C2=[w,x,y,z]:

  • if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,x,-y,-z]
  • if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,-x,y,-z]
  • if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,-x,-y,z]

When considering different mirrored axes for the C1 and C2, we have the following:

  • if C1 is mirrored along the X-axis and C2 along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(-1,1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[z,y,x,w]
  • if C1 is mirrored along the X-axis and C2 along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(-1,1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[-y,z,-w,x]

  • if C1 is mirrored along the Y-axis and C2 along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,-1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[z,-y,-x,w]

  • if C1 is mirrored along the Y-axis and C2 along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,-1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[x,w,z,y]

  • if C1 is mirrored along the Z-axis and C2 along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,1,-1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[y,z,w,x]

  • if C1 is mirrored along the Z-axis and C2 along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,1,-1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[x,w,-z,-y]

Test program

Here is a small c++ program based on OpenCV to test all this:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#define CST_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

// Random rotation matrix uniformly sampled from SO3 (see "Fast random rotation matrices" by J.Arvo)
cv::Matx<double,3,3> get_random_rotmat()
    double theta1 = 2*CST_PI*cv::randu<double>();
    double theta2 = 2*CST_PI*cv::randu<double>();
    double x3 = cv::randu<double>();
    cv::Matx<double,3,3> R(std::cos(theta1),std::sin(theta1),0,-std::sin(theta1),std::cos(theta1),0,0,0,1);
    cv::Matx<double,3,1> v(std::cos(theta2)*std::sqrt(x3),std::sin(theta2)*std::sqrt(x3),std::sqrt(1-x3));
    return -1*(cv::Matx<double,3,3>::eye()-2*v*v.t())*R;

cv::Matx<double,4,1> rotmat2quatwxyz(const cv::Matx<double,3,3> &R)
    // Implementation from Ceres 1.10
    const double trace = R(0,0) + R(1,1) + R(2,2);
    cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_wxyz;
    if (trace >= 0.0) {
        double t = sqrt(trace + 1.0);
        quat_wxyz(0) = 0.5 * t;
        t = 0.5 / t;
        quat_wxyz(1) = (R(2,1) - R(1,2)) * t;
        quat_wxyz(2) = (R(0,2) - R(2,0)) * t;
        quat_wxyz(3) = (R(1,0) - R(0,1)) * t;
    } else {
        int i = 0;
        if (R(1, 1) > R(0, 0))
            i = 1;
        if (R(2, 2) > R(i, i))
            i = 2;

        const int j = (i + 1) % 3;
        const int k = (j + 1) % 3;
        double t = sqrt(R(i, i) - R(j, j) - R(k, k) + 1.0);
        quat_wxyz(i + 1) = 0.5 * t;
        t = 0.5 / t;
        quat_wxyz(0)     = (R(k,j) - R(j,k)) * t;
        quat_wxyz(j + 1) = (R(j,i) + R(i,j)) * t;
        quat_wxyz(k + 1) = (R(k,i) + R(i,k)) * t;
    // Check that the w element is positive
        quat_wxyz *= -1;    // quat and -quat represent the same rotation, but to make quaternion comparison easier, we always use the one with positive w
    return quat_wxyz;

cv::Matx<double,4,1> apply_quaternion_trick(const unsigned int item_permuts[4], const int sign_flips[4], const cv::Matx<double,4,1>& quat_wxyz)
    // Flip the sign of the x and z components
    cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_flipped(sign_flips[0]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[0]),sign_flips[1]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[1]),sign_flips[2]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[2]),sign_flips[3]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[3]));
    // Check that the w element is positive
        quat_flipped *= -1; // quat and -quat represent the same rotation, but to make quaternion comparison easier, we always use the one with positive w
    return quat_flipped;

void detect_quaternion_trick(const cv::Matx<double,4,1> &quat_regular, const cv::Matx<double,4,1> &quat_flipped, unsigned int item_permuts[4], int sign_flips[4])
    if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
        sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
        sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
        sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
        sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
        sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
        sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
        sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
        sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
        sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
        sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
        sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
        sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
        sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
        sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
        sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
    else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
        sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_xflip(-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
    cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_yflip(1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1);
    cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_zflip(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1);

    // Let the user choose the configuration
    char im,om;
    std::cout << "Enter the axis (x,y,z) along which input ref is flipped:" << std::endl;
    std::cin >> im;
    std::cout << "Enter the axis (x,y,z) along which output ref is flipped:" << std::endl;
    std::cin >> om;
    cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_iflip,M_oflip;
    if(im=='x') M_iflip=M_xflip;
    else if(im=='y') M_iflip=M_yflip;
    else if(im=='z') M_iflip=M_zflip;
    if(om=='x') M_oflip=M_xflip;
    else if(om=='y') M_oflip=M_yflip;
    else if(om=='z') M_oflip=M_zflip;

    // Generate random quaternions until we find one where no two elements are equal
    cv::Matx<double,3,3> R;
    cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_regular,quat_flipped;
    do {
        R = get_random_rotmat();
        quat_regular = rotmat2quatwxyz(R);
    } while(quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(1) || quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(2) || quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(3) ||
            quat_regular(1)==quat_regular(2) || quat_regular(1)==quat_regular(3) ||

    // Determine and display the appropriate quaternion trick
    quat_flipped = rotmat2quatwxyz(M_oflip*R*M_iflip);
    unsigned int item_permuts[4]={0,1,2,3};
    int sign_flips[4]={1,1,1,1};
    char str_quat[4]={'w','x','y','z'};
    std::cout << std::endl << "When iref is flipped along the " << im << "-axis and oref along the " << om << "-axis:" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "resulting_quat=[" << (sign_flips[0]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[0]] << ","
                                    << (sign_flips[1]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[1]] << ","
                                    << (sign_flips[2]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[2]] << ","
                                    << (sign_flips[3]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[3]] << "], where initial_quat=[w,x,y,z]" << std::endl;

    // Test this trick on several random rotation matrices
    unsigned int n_errors = 0, n_tests = 10000;
    std::cout << std::endl << "Performing " << n_tests << " tests on random rotation matrices:" << std::endl;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n_tests; ++i) {

        // Get a random rotation matrix and the corresponding quaternion
        cv::Matx<double,3,3> R = get_random_rotmat();
        cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_regular = rotmat2quatwxyz(R);
        // Get the quaternion corresponding to the flipped coordinate frames, via the sign trick and via computation on rotation matrices
        cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_tricked = apply_quaternion_trick(item_permuts,sign_flips,quat_regular);
        cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_flipped = rotmat2quatwxyz(M_oflip*R*M_iflip);
        // Check that both results are identical
        if(cv::norm(quat_tricked-quat_flipped,cv::NORM_INF)>1e-6) {
            std::cout << "Error (idx=" << i << ")!"
                      << "\n   quat_regular=" << quat_regular.t()
                      << "\n   quat_tricked=" << quat_tricked.t()
                      << "\n   quat_flipped=" << quat_flipped.t() << std::endl;
    std::cout << n_errors << " errors on " << n_tests << " tests." << std::endl;
    return 0;
like image 135
BConic Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
