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How to divide an odd number to leave two integers?



If I have an odd number, how would I divide it in two and leave two integers, with the first being one more than the second. For instance 9 would produce 5 and 4?

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cannyboy Avatar asked Mar 23 '12 15:03


3 Answers

The "smaller half" of int x is x/2. The "bigger half" is x/2 + x%2 or x - x/2.

Note that "smaller" and "bigger" refer to the absolute value, so in the case of negative x, bigger < smaller.

Of course, if x is always odd and positive, then x%2 will be 1 and the bigger half can also be computed as x/2 + 1.

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Fred Foo Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11

Fred Foo

What about this?

int a = 9;
int c = a/2;
int b = a-c;
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mouviciel Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 11:11


This would be my recommended way:

int low = floor(x / 2.0f);
int high = ceil(x / 2.0f);

I find it to be more concise than the x/2 + x%2 version. This version also benefits from the fact that the output will be correct if you happen to run it using an even number.


People seemed to complain about me using floating point for integers, well here is a completely bitwise based version:

int a = 9;

int b = a >> 1;
int c = b | (a & 0x1);

The only caveat with #2 is that if the input is negative, the results will not be what is expected.

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Richard J. Ross III Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 09:11

Richard J. Ross III