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Why is split inefficient on large data frames with many groups?

r performance purrr

Harnessing .f list names with purrr::pmap

r purrr

How do pipes work with purrr map() function and the "." (dot) symbol

r ggplot2 dplyr tidyverse purrr

Extract elements from nested list only using functions from purrr package

r purrr

Get column names and dataframe name from a list of dataframes into a single dataframe

r dplyr purrr

Combined fuzzy and exact matching

r dplyr matching purrr fuzzyjoin

Using pipes within map() in R

r dplyr purrr

how to "spread" a list-column?

r dplyr purrr

`purrr::map` to any type

r tidyverse purrr

Summing Multiple Groups of Columns

using purrr to affect single columns of each dataframe in a list

r tidyverse purrr

Get the name of a list item created with purrr::map

r tidyverse purrr

R bootstrap regression with facet_wrap

Clarity on purrr syntax

r purrr

Mutate multiple / consecutive columns (with dplyr or base R)

r dplyr purrr

How to loop over a tidy eval function using purrr?

Safer purrr::map2 for lists with names out of order

r purrr

rolling regression by group in the tidyverse?

can we iterate over two lists with purrr (not simultaneously)?

r purrr

R: Extract columns from list of data.frames in a tibble

r dplyr purrr