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Double nesting in the tidyverse

r tidyr purrr

Using purrr::map to iterate linear model over columns in data frame

r purrr

Dummy code categorical / ordinal variables in the tidyverse r

How to get list name and slice name with pipe and purrr

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Which is the best way to flatten nested lists derived from a relational database using tidyverse tools?

r nested-lists tidyverse purrr

loess regression on each group with dplyr::group_by()

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how to unquote (!!) inside `map` inside `mutate`

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iterate through data frame where each iteration is dependent on the previous item in R efficiently

Use a function name that's a string in map loop?

r purrr

How to add calculated columns to nested data frames (list columns) using purrr

r dplyr purrr

when to use map() function and when to use summarise_at()/mutate_at()

r purrr modelr

Multiple condition if-else using dplyr, custom function, or purr

r dplyr purrr

Giving the list returned by purrr::map names

r tidyverse purrr

Applying function (ks.test) between two data frames colum-wise in R

How to turn a list inside out?

r base purrr

How to locate errors and debug when using purrr

r debugging purrr

What's a tidyverse approach to iterating over rows in a data frame when vectorisation is not feasible?

r dplyr tidyverse purrr

Purrr-Fection: In Search of An Elegant Solution to Conditional Data Frame Operations Leveraging Purrr

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Apply function to a row in a data.frame using dplyr

r dplyr tidyverse purrr

using purrr to map dplyr::select

r dplyr purrr