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Date column coerced to numeric when indexing dataframe with [[ and a vector

r date dataframe purrr

Where is the Purrr ~ operator documented?

r lambda purrr

How to use walk to silently plot ggplot2 output with purrr

r ggplot2 purrr

Equivalent of `break` in purrr::map

r dplyr purrr

Sum amount last 6 month prior to the date of transaction

Create a column based on the name of the element list that contain the data frame in R

r purrr

Map dplyr function to each combination of variable pairs in an R dataframe

r dplyr purrr

Map function to second level of nested list using purrr

Equivalent of rowwise() do() with purrr, now that by_row() is deprecated?

r dplyr purrr

Error in bind_rows_(x, .id) : Argument 1 must have names using map_df in purrr

r error-handling dplyr purrr

Use filter() (and other dplyr functions) inside nested data frames with map()

r dplyr tidyverse purrr

Add new variable to list of data frames with purrr and mutate() from dplyr

r dplyr purrr

Using purrr::pmap within mutate to create list-column

r dplyr purrr

Pass multiple functions to purrr:map

r tidyverse purrr

How to use purrr::pmap to plot multiple ggplot in nested.data.frame

r ggplot2 purrr

How to use map from purrr with dplyr::mutate to create multiple new columns based on column pairs

r purrr dplyr

Does a multi-value purrr::pluck exist?

r tidyverse purrr

R - Parallelizing multiple model learning (with dplyr and purrr)

tidyverse: binding list elements of same dimension

r dplyr tidyverse reduce purrr

Pass function arguments by column position to mutate_at

r dplyr purrr