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Why is split inefficient on large data frames with many groups?

df %>% split(.$x)

becomes slow for large number of unique values of x. If we instead split the data frame manually into smaller subsets and then perform split on each subset we reduce the time by at least an order of magnitude.


N      <- 10^6
groups <- 10^5
df     <- data.frame(x = sample(1:groups, N, replace = TRUE), 
                     y = sample(letters,  N, replace = TRUE))
ids      <- df$x %>% unique
folds10  <- createFolds(ids, 10)
folds100 <- createFolds(ids, 100)

Running microbenchmark gives us

## Unit: seconds

## expr                                                  mean
l1 <- df %>% split(.$x)                                # 242.11805

l2 <- lapply(folds10,  function(id) df %>% 
      filter(x %in% id) %>% split(.$x)) %>% flatten    # 50.45156  

l3 <- lapply(folds100, function(id) df %>% 
      filter(x %in% id) %>% split(.$x)) %>% flatten    # 12.83866  

Is split not designed for large groups? Are there any alternatives besides the manual initial subsetting?

My laptop is a macbook pro late 2013, 2.4GHz 8GB

like image 750
Rickard Avatar asked Sep 17 '16 09:09


People also ask

Which splits a data frame and returns a data frame?

The Pandas provide the feature to split Dataframe according to column index, row index, and column values, etc.

How do you split a data frame in two variables?

You can also do the following: split(x = df, f = ~ var1 + var2...) This way, you can also achieve the same split dataframe by many variables without using a list in the f parameter.

1 Answers

More an explanation than an answer. Sub-setting a large data.frame is more costly than sub-setting a small data frame

> df100 = df[1:100,]
> idx = c(1, 10, 20)
> microbenchmark(df[idx,], df100[idx,], times=10)
Unit: microseconds
         expr     min      lq     mean  median      uq     max neval
    df[idx, ] 428.921 441.217 445.3281 442.893 448.022 475.364    10
 df100[idx, ]  32.082  32.307  35.2815  34.935  37.107  42.199    10

split() pays this cost for each group.

The reason can be seen by running Rprof()

> Rprof(); for (i in 1:1000) df[idx,]; Rprof(NULL); summaryRprof()
       self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"attr"      1.26      100       1.26       100

               total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"attr"               1.26       100      1.26      100
"[.data.frame"       1.26       100      0.00        0
"["                  1.26       100      0.00        0

[1] 0.02

[1] 1.26

All of the time is being spent in a call to attr(). Stepping through the code using debug("[.data.frame") shows that the pain involves a call like

attr(df, "row.names")

This small example shows a trick that R uses to avoid representing row names that are not present: use c(NA, -5L), rather than 1:5.

> dput(data.frame(x=1:5))
structure(list(x = 1:5), .Names = "x", row.names = c(NA, -5L), class = "data.frame")

Note that attr() returns a vector -- the row.names are created on the fly, and for a large data.frame a large number of row.names are created

> attr(data.frame(x=1:5), "row.names")
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

So one might expect that even nonsensical row.names would speed the calculation

> dfns = df; rownames(dfns) = rev(seq_len(nrow(dfns)))
> system.time(split(dfns, dfns$x))
   user  system elapsed 
  4.048   0.000   4.048 
> system.time(split(df, df$x))
   user  system elapsed 
 87.772  16.312 104.100 

Splitting a vector or matrix would also be fast.

like image 59
Martin Morgan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Martin Morgan