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bash/zsh prompt displaying Git repository data right-aligned

git bash zsh prompt

Dynamic elements in bash PS1

git bash prompt ps1

Changing current namespace focus to an entity at the Spring Roo console

spring-roo prompt

Communicate With Command Prompt Through Delphi

Using python to issue command prompts

Javascript or JQuery Password Prompt

Change julia promt to include evalutation numbers

julia prompt

Sum of two numbers with prompt

javascript sum prompt

How to export a function, from tmux.conf

git bash prompt tmux

Is it possible to configure the IRB prompt to change dynamically?

ruby prompt irb

How to change the prompt in oh my zsh and add hostname to it?

my zsh prompt is not bold

zsh prompt oh-my-zsh zshrc

TFS command line - which server?

How to set Text like Placeholder in JTextfield in swing

Setting the ghci prompt with colors

haskell prompt ghci

Answer '29' to apt-get install prompt for xorg

SweetAlert Prompt issue in bootstrap modal

Javascript prompt box without the cancel button?

javascript jquery prompt

Flex 4.6 TextInput with prompt on ios misbehaves

Anaconda prompt loading error: The input line is too long