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New posts in portability

C++ Portable Floating-Point Bit Representation?

Windows equivalent to Linux namespaces (per-process filesystem mounts)?

Portable way to get file size in C/C++

Detect 64-bits in C using size_t

c 64-bit portability

cmake command syntax question

How to handle evolving c++ std:: namespace? e.g.: std::tr1::shared_ptr vs. std::shared_ptr vs. boost::shared_ptr vs. boost::tr1::shared_ptr

c++ boost portability std tr1

Deploying C# (.NET 2.0) application as a portable application?

c# .net .net-2.0 portability

How are PE Base Relocations build up?

Lightweight portable C++ threading

C++ integral constants + choice operator = problem!

c++ portability

Unix C++ compilers that do not understand -c -o

Which parts of the python standard library are guaranteed to be available? [closed]

python portability

How portable is GLib?

portability glib

How do I convert my Git repository to Mercurial and bring along its tags

git mercurial portability port

Portable C binary serialization primitives

How to make app portable?

installation portability

What are alternatives to the Java VM?

Store user settings into application folder

c# .net app-config portability

SCons to make a shared library (.so) with a static library (.a)

Create portable android development environment