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Winapi.ShLwApi.StrFormatByteSize64 treats my app as a DLL

How to minify XML with PHP?

Delphi formatting bytes to GB

function delphi filesize

C# Getting a complete file list using ftpRequest is slow

Get file size using GetFileSize reports a segv on a valid file

c++ qt winapi file-io filesize

Lots of small files or a couple huge ones?

How can I get rid of a filesize() warning in PHP?

php filesize

Are Assembly programs almost the same size as C programs

How to reduce the size of merged PDF/A-1b files with pdfbox or other java library

java pdf fonts pdfbox filesize

Reduce filesize of pdf

.net pdf filesize

Is there a size limit to batch output files?

batch-file output filesize

Java FileChannel.size() vs File.length() - After FileChannel.truncate()

java filesize

MySQL field type to count bytes filesize

php mysql count filesize

PHP Curl to get a download filesize

php cookies curl filesize

Is there any maximum size for KML files to open in Google Earth/

kml google-earth filesize

What file size is data if it's 450KB base64 encoded?

file base64 size filesize