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New posts in portability

Playing Sound in Perl script

Are there compiler settings in Visual Studio 2010 to ensure the writing of portable C++?

Set file creation time with standard library only

c++ c++17 portability

making proprietary ELF binaries portable on Linux

How can I tell new Python to use the old print

python portability

_Pragma preprocessor operator in Visual C++

Best way to portably assign the result of fgetc() to a char in C

Can I link git submodules with some kind of fallback URL? If SSH clone fails, git should be able to clone using https

git ssh https clone portability

C++ Standard Library Portability

c++ c++11 stl g++ portability

Does std::hash give same result for same input for different compiled builds and different machines?

Is std::bitset bit-order portable?

c++ portability bitset

String manipulation & memory allocation - C

c string portability

Can you run a function on initialization in c?

How Important is SQL Portability?

sql portability

Alternate way of computing size of a type using pointer arithmetic

How can I share my folds in VIM?

vim portability folding

\n and \r seem to work everywhere. Why is line.separator more portable?

Does using unchecked context hurt performance or portability in C#?

How un-portable is assembly language, /really/?

How to make python portable?