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New posts in portability

Portable application: s3 and Google cloud storage

signed division in C

c portability division

Stand-alone portable snprintf(), independent of the standard library?

How to serve static files from a Dockerized Python web app?

How to convert between a dev_t and major/minor device numbers?

Platform C Preprocessor Definitions

Portably handle exceptional errors in C++

To which extent is "boost does it" equivalent to "very portable, use it"?

c++ boost portability

What do I need to run PHP applications on IIS?

php windows iis portability lamp

GetThreadId on pre-vista systems?

Writing USB Drive Portable Applications in C#

c# usb portability

Is size_t portable?

How to make designer generated .Net application settings portable

c# .net settings portability

Portable C# IDE / Compiler?

What is the difference between "architecture-neutral" and "portable"?

In C how to write whichever end of line character is appropriate to the OS?

c portability

Running a Haskell script on a machine without GHC

Portable Browser Issues when deploying R Shiny App

How to tell if a translation unit is being compiled with segmented stacks

c++ portability