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New posts in portability

C macro/#define indentation?

C - get type alignment portably

c types alignment portability

The Icon property in the Window is crashing the application in Windows XP SP2

VSCode: moving files out of appdata directory

Does 64-bit floating point numbers behave identically on all modern PCs?

Are web applications more portable than desktop applications?

How to determine C code is compiled for Android/NDK or iOS

In C/C++, are volatile variables guaranteed to have eventually consistent semantics betwen threads?

How portable is the re-entrant qsort_r function compared to qsort?

c portability

Unix paths that work for any platform in Python?

What is the best technique for consistent form, function between all web browsers (including Google Chrome)?

How can I make a portable executable?

c++ c executable portability

What is the C++11 atomic API equivalent to ```__asm__ volatile("" ::: "memory")```

Android wifi hotspot client connection events

How should I setup a C++ project on github so that it is portable?

c++ github portability

C++ shared library called from C

Compiling C++ into portable linux binaries

SQLAlchemy: How to conditionally choose type for column by depending on its backend

drawbacks or tradeoffs of using explicitly sized types in C family languages

C struct alignment and portability across compilers

c windows portability