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New posts in plyr

R Dynamically build "list" in data.table (or ddply)

r data.table plyr aggregation

Efficient multiplication of columns in a data frame

r dataframe plyr

How can I overlay two dense scatter plots so that I can see the outlines of each in R or Matlab?

r matlab plot ggplot2 plyr

Equivalent of transform in R/ddply in Python/pandas?

python r pandas plyr

for each group summarise means for all variables in dataframe (ddply? split?)

r dataframe plyr

Is there an implementation of Hadley's ddply for python?

python r plyr

R ggplot and facet grid: how to control x-axis breaks

r ggplot2 plyr

Is the plyr package for R not available for R version 3.0.2? [duplicate]

r plyr

scale/normalize columns by group

r dplyr scale plyr

Error: withCallingHandlers crashing R

r plyr

understanding ddply error message

r plyr

Error bars on stacked bar ggplot2

r ggplot2 plyr

How does one aggregate and summarize data quickly?

r plyr data.table

Aggregating sub totals and grand totals with data.table

r aggregate plyr data.table

Can `ddply` (or similar) do a sliding window?

r plyr

What is the dplyr equivalent of plyr::ldply(tapply) in R?

r plyr dplyr tidyr

Checking if an r package is currently attached

r dplyr plyr

ddply with lm() function

r dataframe plyr

Faster ways to calculate frequencies and cast from long to wide

r aggregate plyr reshape2

What is purpose of dot before variables (i.e. "variables") in the R Plyr package?

r plyr