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New posts in plyr

Merge Rows within Data Frame [duplicate]

r plyr data.table

Compute rolling sum by id variables, with missing timepoints

r sas plyr zoo

Create an "index" for each element of a group with data.table

ggplot2 fails to install on R 3.0.2

r ggplot2 plyr

Correlation between two dataframes by row

r dataframe correlation plyr

ddply multiple quantiles by group

r plyr

How to fill NA with median?

r plyr data.table statistics

R: converting each row of a data frame into a list item

using predict with a list of lm() objects

r plyr lm predict

Why does summarize or mutate not work with group_by when I load `plyr` after `dplyr`?

r dplyr plyr r-faq

round_any equivalent for dplyr?

r dplyr rounding plyr tidyverse

Using plyr::mapvalues with dplyr

r dataframe plyr dplyr

zipping lists in R

r plyr lapply

Idiomatic R code for partitioning a vector by an index and performing an operation on that partition

Sending in Column Name to ddply from Function

r plyr

dplyr rename - Error: `new_name` = old_name must be a symbol or a string, not formula

r dplyr rename plyr rlang

Convert R list to dataframe with missing/NULL elements

r list dataframe plyr

Joining aggregated values back to the original data frame [duplicate]

r plyr

How to merge two data frames on common columns in R with sum of others?

r merge plyr

doMC vs doSNOW vs doSMP vs doMPI: why aren't the various parallel backends for 'foreach' functionally equivalent?