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New posts in plyr

How to mimic geom_boxplot() with outliers using geom_boxplot(stat = "identity")

r ggplot2 plyr dplyr

How to get the name of a data.frame within a list?

r indexing plyr lapply

R sort summarise ddply by group sum

r pivot-table plyr

Subtract pairs of columns based on matching column

r plyr

How to ddply() without sorting?

r sorting plyr

join matching columns in a data.frame or data.table

Making a better summary statistics table with plyr in R

r plyr

Apply t-test on many columns in a dataframe split by factor

r dataframe plyr

R programming: plyr how to count values from a column with ddply [duplicate]

r plyr

How can I use functions returning vectors (like fivenum) with ddply or aggregate?

r aggregate plyr

Subsetting a data frame with top-n rows for each group, and ordered by a variable

r group-by data.table plyr

Why doesn't the plyr package use my parallel backend?

r parallel-processing plyr

how to speed up this R code

r plyr

How can I use ddply with varying .variables?

r plyr

Replacement for parallel plyr with doMC

How can I save files in parallel without automatically increasing the file size?

r plyr

How to better create stacked bar graphs with multiple variables from ggplot2?

r graphics ggplot2 plyr

Errors installing plyr / rcpp

r plyr rcpp

How do I sub sample data by group using ddply?

r plyr

ddply aggregated column names

r plyr