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New posts in plyr

Grouped correlation with dplyr (works only on console)

r dataframe plyr dplyr

Multiple density graphs different groups (based on factor level) using plyr

r loops graphics plyr

Subset R data frame contingent on the value of duplicate variables

With min() in R return NA instead of Inf

r dplyr plyr min

Conditional NA filling by group

r dplyr data.table plyr na

Repeat elements of vector in R

r plyr

Am I using plyr right? I seem to be using way too much memory

r plyr data.table

na.locf converts data from numeric to character

r plyr zoo

How to use string variables to create variables list for ddply?

r plyr

List all variables (and their proportions) in a subset of a dataframe

r plyr

subset parameter in layers is no longer working with ggplot2 >= 2.0.0

r ggplot2 plyr

Replace missing values (NA) in one data set with values from another where columns match

r plyr

Loops to create new variables in ddply

r for-loop plyr

Accessing grouped data in dplyr

r plyr dplyr

Combine a list of data frames into one preserving row names

r data.table plyr dplyr

Aggregate a data frame based on unordered pairs of columns

r aggregate plyr

R - Faster Way to Calculate Rolling Statistics Over a Variable Interval

Applying a custom function on data.table instead of using plyr and ddply

r data.table plyr

Problem loading the plyr package

r plyr

Fill NA values with the trailing row value times a growth rate?

r plyr dplyr apply na