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Replace missing values (NA) in one data set with values from another where columns match




I have a data frame (datadf) with 3 columns, 'x', 'y, and z. Several 'x' values are missing (NA). 'y' and 'z' are non measured variables.

x    y z
153  a 1
163  b 1
NA   d 1
123  a 2 
145  e 2
NA   c 2 
NA   b 1
199  a 2

I have another data frame (imputeddf) with the same three columns:

 x  y z
123 a 1
145 a 2
124 b 1
168 b 2
123 c 1
176 c 2
184 d 1
101 d 2

I wish to replace NA in 'x' in 'datadf' with values from 'imputeddf' where 'y' and 'z' matches between the two data sets (each combo of 'y' and 'z' has its own value of 'x' to fill in).

The desired result:

x    y z
153  a 1
163  b 1
184  d 1
123  a 2 
145  e 2
176  c 2 
124  b 1
199  a 2

I am trying things like:

finaldf <- datadf
finaldf$x <- if(datadf[!is.na(datadf$x)]){ddply(datadf, x=imputeddf$x[datadf$y == imputeddf$y & datadf$z == imputeddf$z])}else{datadf$x}

but it's not working.

What is the best way for me to fill in the NA in the using my imputed value df?

like image 637
JustOneGeek Avatar asked Sep 17 '15 19:09


People also ask

How do I replace Na with missing values?

The easiest way to replace NA's with the mean in multiple columns is by using the functions mutate_at() and vars(). These functions let you select the columns in which you want to replace the missing values. To actually replace the NA with the mean, you can use the replace_na() and mean() function.

How do I replace Na in R?

The classic way to replace NA's in R is by using the IS.NA() function. The IS.NA() function takes a vector or data frame as input and returns a logical object that indicates whether a value is missing (TRUE or VALUE). Next, you can use this logical object to create a subset of the missing values and assign them a zero.

How do you deal with NA values in data?

When dealing with missing data, data scientists can use two primary methods to solve the error: imputation or the removal of data. The imputation method develops reasonable guesses for missing data. It's most useful when the percentage of missing data is low.

3 Answers

I would do this:

setDT(DF1); setDT(DF2)

DF1[DF2, x := ifelse(is.na(x), i.x, x), on=c("y","z")]

which gives

     x y z
1: 153 a 1
2: 163 b 1
3: 184 d 1
4: 123 a 2
5: 145 e 2
6: 176 c 2
7: 124 b 1
8: 199 a 2

Comments. This approach isn't so great, since it merges the whole of DF1, while we only need to merge the subset where is.na(x). Here, the improvement looks like (thanks, @Arun):

DF1[is.na(x), x := DF2[.SD, x, on=c("y", "z")]]

This way is analogous to @RHertel's answer.

From @Jakob's comment:

does this work for more than one x variable? If I want to fill up entire datasets with several columns?

You can enumerate the desired columns:

DF1[DF2, `:=`(
  x = ifelse(is.na(x), i.x, x),
  w = ifelse(is.na(w), i.w, w)
), on=c("y","z")]

The expression could be constructed using lapply and substitute, probably, but if the set of columns is fixed, it might be cleanest just to write it out as above.

like image 140
Frank Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11


Here's an alternative with base R:

df1[is.na(df1$x),"x"] <- merge(df2,df1[is.na(df1$x),][,c("y","z")])$x
> df1
#    x y z
#1 153 a 1
#2 163 b 1
#3 124 b 1
#4 123 a 2
#5 145 e 2
#6 176 c 2
#7 184 d 1
#8 199 a 2
like image 39
RHertel Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11


A dplyr solution, conceptually identical to the answers above. To pull out just the rows of imputeddf that correspond to NAs in datadf, use semi_join. Then, use another join to match back to datadf. (This step is not very clean, unfortunately.)

replacement_rows <- imputeddf %>%
  semi_join(datadf %>% filter(is.na(x)), by = c("y", "z"))
datadf <- datadf %>%
  left_join(replacement_rows, by = c("y", "z")) %>%
  mutate(x = if_else(is.na(x.x), x.y, x.x)) %>%
  select(x, y, z)

This gets what you want:

> datadf
# A tibble: 8 x 3
      x y         z
  <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
1   153 a         1
2   163 b         1
3   184 d         1
4   123 a         2
5   145 e         2
6   176 c         2
7   124 b         1
8   199 a         2
like image 26
Frank Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
