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Creating good kable output in RStudio

I've got a data frame that looks like this:

er.frame <- structure(c(0.475, 0.525, 0.45, 0.475, 0.45, 0.55, 0.425, 0.5, 
0.5, 0.4, 0.45, 0.375, 0.55, 0.425, 0.5, 0.475, 0.4, 0.45, 0.375, 
0.55, 0.425), .Dim = c(7L, 3L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("CSP.LDA.error.rate", 
"CSP.SWLDA.error.rate", "CSP.SVM.error.rate")))


|  CSP.LDA.error.rate|  CSP.SWLDA.error.rate|  CSP.SVM.error.rate|
|               0.475|                 0.500|               0.500|
|               0.525|                 0.500|               0.475|
|               0.450|                 0.400|               0.400|
|               0.475|                 0.450|               0.450|
|               0.450|                 0.375|               0.375|
|               0.550|                 0.550|               0.550|
|               0.425|                 0.425|               0.425|

I'd like to have that kable output be processed by knitr and make a nice table in the HTML report. Following the documentation in ?kable, I made this snippet:

``` {r snippet}

My HTML report, though, as generated by RStudio, is just the echoed console output (or nothing at all, if I add the option output=FALSE):

## |  CSP.LDA.error.rate|  CSP.SWLDA.error.rate|  CSP.SVM.error.rate|
## |-------------------:|---------------------:|-------------------:|
## |               0.425|                 0.400|               0.400|
## |               0.425|                 0.475|               0.500|
## |               0.400|                 0.400|               0.400|
## |               0.425|                 0.425|               0.425|
## |               0.425|                 0.325|               0.275|
## |               0.350|                 0.375|               0.375|
## |               0.450|                 0.425|               0.425|

The above is also what appears in the generated Markdown file with accompanying ``` delimiters, and it looks just fine if I remove the delimiters and the hashes.

How do I properly output using kable? This question's accepted answer hints at it, but doesn't go as far as the documentation.

Incidentally, I'm running R 2.15.1, knitr 1.5.15.

like image 649
bright-star Avatar asked Jan 06 '14 03:01


People also ask

What does Kable do in R?

The kable() function in knitr is a very simple table generator, and is simple by design. It only generates tables for strictly rectangular data such as matrices and data frames. You cannot heavily format the table cells or merge cells.

How do I show output in RStudio?

Rendering output Better still, use the “Knit” button in the RStudio IDE to render the file and preview the output with a single click or keyboard shortcut (⇧⌘K).

How do I create a markdown in R?

To create an R Markdown report, open a plain text file and save it with the extension . Rmd. You can open a plain text file in your scripts editor by clicking File > New File > Text File in the RStudio toolbar. Be sure to save the file with the extension .

How do I add output in R Markdown?

If you prefer to use the console by default for all your R Markdown documents (restoring the behavior in previous versions of RStudio), you can make Chunk Output in Console the default: Tools -> Options -> R Markdown -> Show output inline for all R Markdown documents .

1 Answers

opts_chunk$set and opts_current$set don't affect the chunk in which they are called.

from ?opts_chunk

Note the global options set in one chunk will not affect the options in this chunk itself, and that is why we often need to set global options in a separate chunk.

The following option will work:

```{r, results = 'asis'}
like image 59
mnel Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
